Apologies for the long absence in posting on this page! We have not been in Potsdam for the last three weeks, but my laptop stayed here... Uh, no posts at all in the month of September!
We have been back to Austria, then Kamil went to a conference in Cogne/Italy, and furthermore, we had a magnificent week of vacation in St.Ulrich in South Tyrol. I will try to update you in this post with some photos of this wonderful time:
We stayed in an old farm house, which belongs to the family of my god-mother. The old barn is located right next to it, and the wonderful garden was an ideal playground for Anna.

A view of the close-by church of St. Jakob, the oldest church of the Gröden valley:

One of the many old farm houses we encountered on our hikes:

Anna doing her first steps in front of the spectacular scenery of Langkofel and Plattkofel.

Role reversal:

Anna and Kamil - and our high-tech first-class supreme and well-worth-its-money child carrier:

Anna and Micha - and an old-style back basket:

But maybe, I should have posted only the following collage - I think, it says all about our vacation! (And please note the Edelweiss flowers left of Anna's foot!)