Sunday 25 April 2010

Sunday Activities

After quite a long break in posting some news of the U family, I finally resume my blogging activities. Like the proverb "no news are good news" predicts, everything is fine, just the usual busy days of everyday live, Eastern were spent in Innsbruck and finally Spring arrived in Potsdam (which we really enjoy!!!!).

Today's Sunday was thus also filled with Spring activities: in the morning, Anna and Kamil prepared our little balcony and were busy planting flowers and watering their oeuvre.

In the afternoon, we took our bikes and the hanger and drove to the Pfaueninsel (Peacock Island), which is only about half an our away form where we live. We took the ferry to the island and enjoyed a stroll through the green and blooming park.

Anna was absolutely fascinated by the shouting peacocks and their impressive fans of feathers.