Kamil and Anna gone to a birthday party and having an aguish Florian sleeping on my lap gives me the long-awaited opportunity to update this badly abandoned blog - though just one-handed as the other one keeps Florian from falling from my lap... And it's quite strange to realize how quiet our flat can be - only the gentle snoring of Florian and my typing is to be heard. But now back to all the news and little stories I wanted to share with you:
The first post is about our stay in Austria, when Kamil gave a mapping field course for students in the Villnöss valley in South Tyrol and the kids and I got spoiled by our grand parents!

We also spent some time with my brother and his family. The four cousins had great fun playing together!

Intensive cooking:

Florian with aunt Ruth, his godmother:

He was absolutely thrilled by their little kitten Fritzi!

After Kamil had finished his field course, we met him in St.Ulrich (Gröden Valley, South Tyrol) where we enjoyed some days hiking, admiring beautiful geology and staying in my godmother's old house like in

At the end of our stay, we went for a beautiful hike near Innsbruck with Kamil's family - to the Hämmermoosalm in the Gaistal.

Uncle Michi was carrying Florian, Kamil took care of Anna so I could hike for myself without the feeling of being a carriage horse... (well, I was still carrying a backpack full of food, goodies, diapers and changing clothes for the kids!)

And to much of Anna's delight, they had quite a bunch of ponies up at the Alm!

I will stop here as Florian woke up and desperately tries to help me typing... More little stories come soon!