Sunday 15 March 2009

Discovering Sans Souci with Anna's uncles

This weekend, Micha's bothers Christoph and Georg came for a short visit to Potsdam. Christoph converted his Mustang into a delivery van without further ado and loaded as many boxes of our belongings as possible, which we had stored at his place. It is surprising, how much one can stuff into a sport car.

Then, they were riding this "horse" up to the north - enjoying the German "no-speed-limit"-freeways.
After arriving safely in Potsdam, it was Georg's and Anna's first time to meet each other. Anna seemed to feel a bit awkward first, but soon was enjoying her crazy but child-experienced uncle:

On Saturday, we visited the castle and park of Sans Souci, which still was radiating a rather winterly mood:

We put Anna into the cloth sling, where she feels the most comfortable - and so she was sleeping for most of the time during our walk through the park.

We were wondering why they had planted certain plants of grape-vine behind glass windows and others were not protected at all from the cold:

Georg, Anna, Christoph and me:

Georg hopes to be crowned by this angel:

The New Palais:

Sunday morning, Christoph and Georg had to leave again towards the south - snif! It was a short but really nice visit, which we all enjoyed very much!

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