Anna's grandpa stayed with us last week. It was a combination of avoiding boredom and solitude at home (because grandma was gone for a two-weeks travel to Mongolia) and the wish of seeing Anna again that made him drive up north for 8 hours to Potsdam.
We not only enjoyed his company very much but also profited from his stay tremendously. Firstly, he was a perfect Anna-holder, Anna-carrier and Anna-entertainer! Secondly, we could use his car for "large-scale" shopping (because we do not yet own one here). And thirdly, he is a real handyman! He installed additional boards in the kitchen, mounted 18 handholds on our wardrobes (yeah! no more opening of the wardrobe doors using my toes or fingernails!) and affixed a safety guard door on our stairs.

In between all the handicraft work and the shopping, we also visited a few nice places in town, like the
Russian Colony Alexandrowka.

Or the Restaurant
Meierei in the
Neuer Garten where Anna had an interesting encounter with a nosy duck:

And we took grandpa on a mountain bike tour in the wild forests around Potsdam.

And because grandpa knows so many quaint and puzzling tricks and can make really funny noises, Anna adores him sure enough!