Sunday 19 July 2009

Cucumber Trick

Friday evening, I wanted to bake a cake and prepare a nice dinner because our friend Mong-Han from Taiwan arrived for a visit. But alas, I had such a crotchety child this day... So it seemed that this task would be impossible to accomplish!
Then I remembered what Maria, a friend of mine, had told me the day before, and indeed, her advice did the trick!
So I sat Anna in her chair and gave her a big piece of cucumber!

What a happy child Anna all the sudden became! With great enthusiasm she started to bite onto the vegetable, and could not get enough of nibbling, noshing and smacking the cucumber.

And me, I finally could finish the cake and prepare our dinner! Thanks to Maria!

1 comment:

  1. No wonder Anna enjoyed the cucumber that much, after half a year of eating only milk she was happy to taste something else. Oh, how much I envy her having the first contanct with the delicious, unsurpassable taste of MEAT still ahead...
