Tuesday 9 March 2010

Serious Kitchen Disorder

Last week, I was making some muffins. My idea was to prepare them in the morning hoping Anna would be happy playing on herself in the meantime. I could have baked them also during Anna's nap time around noon, but I saw myself rather enjoying this short period of quiescence with a book in my hands than mixing eggs and butter.
Well, my sweet little daughter was not so happy about playing on her own but instead was standing between my legs squeaking and squealing to attract my full advertence. I did not want to give in and handed her a box full of little sachets of baking powder, vanilla sugar and lemon zest to play with. With great seriousness she spread the sachets across the kitchen floor. Unfortunately, she lost interest in the dispersion of these bags soon enough. As my muffin preparation was not finished yet, I prepared another distraction for Anna. Pushing her chair close to the cupboards, I opened a drawer for her. It contains all sorts of foils, baking parchment, freezer bags, kitchen towels, rubber bands, closure clips and the like. This worked perfectly! Anna was frenetically emptying the drawer, diligently examining all items which emerged from this treasure drawer. I barely saved the permanent marker from her hands before she had decorated something else than her hands with black lines. Thus, I could peacefully finish my muffins.
Afterwards, I spent the whole time of Anna's nap cleaning the kitchen...

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