Today, we pre-celebrated Arne's second birthday! (It is truly amazing how fast time flies by when you have children... They were just born and tiny babies - whoops - they suddenly are real kids!)
Here is a picture of the lucky birthday lad with his proud parents!

For this pre-birthday party, Anna and us were the only guests, thus making party heads for the kids was not a great effort. I will rethink my ambitions as soon as these parties start to imply more children...
Arne and Anna were enjoying the birthday muffins! ... or better to say, they intensely enjoyed picking and munching the Smarties from the the top the cup cakes!

Anna diligently assisted Arne when he was unwrapping the gift.

The kids soon enough enjoyed the reading of Mira Lobe's "Das kleine Ich-bin-Ich", one of my favorite children picture books, which also became a top-reading book for Anna! (I can highly recommend this lovely book!!!)

And here is the little Ich-bin-Ich waiting to be caressed:

A lot of fun and playing concluded this wonderful afternoon.

Dear Arne, we wish you a happy, happy second birthday! Thanks for being such a wonderful friend for Anna!
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