Saturday 18 September 2010

Walks and Mushrooms in our Park

It is true - autumn has arrived in Potsdam. The weather is much cooler and windier, but often also quite sunny with sharp blue sky and beautiful clouds. Chestnuts, beechnuts and acorns are falling from the trees and wait to be picked up - a new season has started in our beloved Babelsberg Park!
And last week-end, we were visited by Janos, my former office mate from Bern! It was so nice to see him again! And he is absolutely fabulous with kids - Anna loved him! Thanks, Janos, for playing with Anna and the "Enteneis"! ;-)
And walking with Janos through the Babelsberg Park, we found two wonderful and tasty examples of parasol mushrooms (Macrolepiota procera) and two boletus.

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