Saturday 5 March 2011

Grandparents' Visiting

My parents came over for a visit, much to our all delight! Anna was happy to have Omi and Opa to play with, Florian enjoyed being endlessly held, rocked and caressed, I myself really appreciated all their help with the kids and the household, and Kamil was delighted to have a really happy family!
Omi and Opa in love with their youngest grandchild:
Maybe the locks did the trick - "Wenn diese Locken nicht locken?!?"
Omi was celebrating her birthday while they stayed with us - Happy Birthday, Omi! Anna was great in singing the birthday song: "Zum Geburtstag viel Glück..", but missed to change to the appropriate name: "....zum Geburtstag, liebe Anna, zum Geburtstag viel Glück!" Omi never minded!
The weather was brilliantly sunny - but incredibly cold due to a freezing eastern wind - a rare chance to see my dad wearing a cap.

The Havel was frozen, again. Anna enjoyed throwing pieces of ice onto the frozen river, where they fragmented into thousands of glittering crystals.

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