Wednesday 30 March 2011

Marble Track

We now have our first marble track! Though it was a gift for Florian, Anna, Kamil and me are the ones who are playing and enjoying this wonderful toy at the moment. But I am sure that Florian will happily play with it soon enough! It consists of wooden cubes and blocks with channels, which offer thousands of possibilities to build exciting marble tracks. Usually, I would not advertise for certain products, but in this case, I really want to mention the company producing such a fine, intelligent, sturdy and well-manufactured toy: Cuboro! Yes, it is really, really expensive (what else do you expect from a Swiss company ;-) ) but worth every cent! I am totally convinced, that you will find us playing with this marble track for many, many years! We now have the child-version "Cugolino" but we are waiting impatiently for an occasion or rather an excuse to buy the adult version... When is Father's Day again?

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