Saturday 23 May 2009

Anna meets her cousin

Time is flying and I still have not published the posting of the first encounter of Anna and Judith, her cousin, shortly after Easter! So, here are finally the pictures:

Judith is 1.5 years old and will get a little sister or brother this summer, so her parents were quite curious to see how she would react towards another baby.

Well, they don't have to worry - she was really sweet towards Anna and tried even to put the pacifier in Anna's mouth when she was crying:

Happy Anna with her uncle Georg...

..and her aunt Ruth:

Some more pictures:

Ruth, Anna, Judith and Grandma Dorli:

Judith and her grandma Dorli:

Anna with grandpa Gogo:

Anna enjoying the daisies in the grass...

...before her grandpa took great pleasure in driving the huge lawn-mower and cutting the grass:

The girls were watching their grandpa suspiciously:

And of course, it's the ladies who clean up after the mess this man had made...

Special delivery!

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