Saturday 23 May 2009

Anna's Baptism

Last Saturday, we had Anna baptised in our old parish "Allerheiligen" (All-Saints) in Innsbruck. We had prepared a bilingual ceremony in German and Polish, because her god-mother Małgosia is from Poland. It was a very nice, familiar and personal celebration! So we were a bunch of twenty-five people, who gathered from Austria, Poland, Switzerland and Germany to accompany Anna joining the Christian Family.

The christening ceremony was kindly held by Father Józef Niewiadomski, who is dean of the faculty of theology at the University of Innsbruck and a friend of Micha's father. Father Niewiadomski is perfectly fluent in both Polish and German, and had a rousing and entertaining way of conducting the ceremony. Here is Father Niewiadomski, standing between Micha and Małgosia.

Anna behaved very well for the first three quarters of the celebration - even during her baptism!, then her patience was gone and she screamed for all the fuss around her to finish quickly! (It was quite a task to hold this 8-kg-baby in her long and slippery white dress screaming at felt 90 decibel!) Afterwards, she was all happy and smiled again...
Here, a photo of Anna with her godmother Małgosia and her godfather Christoph outside the church:

Of course, Anna was in the center of interest of all the family members! Here are my favorite pictures of this - Anna with her uncle Tomek:

After all this family-hurlyburly, Kamil and I hiked up to the Berggasthaus Rauschbrunnen, together with my mom and Anna, for recreational reasons.

Aaaaah! Nothing is better than a cool beer after a hike on such a hot early-summer day...

... or maybe rather a delicious apple juice!?

(Please, don't worry, Anna neither drank apple juice nor any beer - we are still "self-sustaining" - but she is absolutely fond of tasting glass!)

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