Sunday 24 May 2009

A Walk along the Havel River

After a busy shopping-Friday - we rented a car and drove to IKEA - and a even busier furniture-assembling-Saturday we needed some recreation in the nature. Therefore, we decided to take the Potsdam water-taxi to go down the river Havel for some kilometers and then to walk back home along the river side. So Anna got her first boat ride! (Half of which she missed sleeping in her stroller.)

The weather was magnificent, the sky was blue, the water even bluer and the clouds reminded us of little sheep.

Lately, our little princess is a little bit picky concerning the way she prefers to travel and conquer the world. The stroller is reserved for the few hours she decides to sleep, but when she is awake, nothing can keep her in this boring vehicle. Daddy has to carry her in the pole-position!

And sometimes, even the baby-björn carrier is not good enough! Then Mommy has to carry her on her hip...

...which she obviously likes very much!

(Sigh, when do children finally start to walk by themselves???)

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